Unibridge International Trading Co.,Ltd , is one of the most professional shipbroking companies in china. We are specialized in various engineering vessels, such asphalt carrier, cement carrier, transhipper, self-propelled barge, ASD, dredger, SPOB, crane barge, dumb barge, pontoon, Tugboat etc. Meantime, we have quite a lot of experience for offshore support vessels as well. In the past decade, we have been in participation of many projects on Self-Ballast barge, AHT&AHTS, PSV,DSV, Accommodation Barge, Jack-Up barge(Liftboat) and so on.
Except the above mentioned new building shipbroking business, Unibridge Marine is also working on SNP for all kinds of engineering vessels, offshore supporting vessels, oil tankers, bulk carriers, container vessels etc. Our clients mainly come from India, Philiphine, Malaysia, Indonesia, Mideast , Australia ,Europe etc.
Unibridge Marine has wide contacts with most of china’s shipyards, designers, towing companies, Surveying companies, lawyer houses and all marine related companies.
Creativity, Passion, Loyalty and High-Efficiency is our commitment to every client from each corner of the world. Once you take one try and we will return you trust forever!
Engineering Vessels
We are specialized in all kinds of vessels with special usage, such as asphalt , cement, palm oil, heavy load cargo, etc.
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Offshore Supporting Vessels
from fundmental level like self ballast barge to high level jack up barges, we are aware of complete choices of OSV.
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from fundmental level like self ballast barge to high level jack up barges, we are aware of complete choices of OSVt
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Marine Services
·Consultation ·Inspections ·Valuations ·Towages ·Design
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